Text: 07708236822
Choose your GCSE Chemistry class
and watch your child make excellent progress towards the grade that they want. All with a qualified teacher who is committed to their learning as much as you are.
Option 1: Booster
£15 per session (weekly)
One session of 60 minutes per week
​​ Instant boost of confidence and progress in Chemistry​​
All specifications covered​
Programme of study sent in advance so you know what is being covered in each session​
​Common areas of challenge covered and mastered so your child will gain confidence in tricky topics ​
​No long term commitment needed- payment for each lesson can be made up to the start of each session ​
​Work marked as part of examination preparation
Regular homework to consolidate learning and sharpen examination techniques on a range of questions- from recall to longer response/6 markers​
Option 2: Intensive
£25 per session (weekly)
One session of 60 minutes per week​
Instant boost of confidence and progress in Chemistry​
All specifications covered​
Programme of study sent in advance so you know what is being covered in each session​
Common areas of challenge covered and mastered so your child will gain confidence in tricky topics​
No long term commitment needed- payment for each lesson can be made up to the start of each session
Work marked as part of examination preparation​
Regular assessments and homework to consolidate learning and sharpen examination techniques on a range of questions- from recall to longer response/6 markers​
Tracked progress for each student using our tracker sheets which we will use to personalise learning for each student​
Regular progress reports and weekly feedback ​
Questionnaire sent in advance of the start of the lessons so that I can tailor lessons to your needs